Monday, March 1, 2010

Rancho Santa Fe

Nick: So it's March. Brian is back in Seattle, I'm in Indiana. The road trip that's captured the heart of the nation has, as all good things in this world are so tragically doomed to do, come to an end. (Did that sentence make sense? Yes) But before we leave our loyal fans and readers with our closing thoughts, meditations, and revelations concerning this oh-so-epic a journey, allow me to bring you up to speed. It is very likely that Brian, after reading this post in Washington, will have a number of important additions. After all, he's usually the only one of us able to remember back more than a day or two, so forgive me for what will surely be an incomplete account.
To the best of my memory, we left Steve and Leah's and made for Rod's place for a little pre-super bowl party action. Is it just me, or are the ladies we met last time we were here not super excited to see us... What's that? They read our blog? That's cool, that's cool. How did you girls li- Excuse me? You're upset that we had suggested in a previous post that you might not have looked your most sophisticated that morning when you breakfasted in the previous evening's clothes with us? Ladies, ladies, please, this is something of a comedy blog, best not to take it too seriously. And besides, as Brian so accurately pointed out, it had been you yourselves that had first made the observation concerning your general appearance to the world that morning. Here, let's have a margarita. Or five. There, see? All wrongs forgotten. Now keep your ill-informed opinions about football and my Indianapolis Colts to yourself, I want to enjoy watching my team win the biggest game of the year without interruptions.
(This is a point where I suspect Brian would write something clever and then continue retelling the events of the evening. I'm afraid you'll just have to use your imaginations though, and try not to let this huge chunk of unbroken text deter you from reading on.)
After the game, which all you haters will be delighted to know we lost, we hung out with Rod for a while then hit the sack in expectation of a more successful camping venture back in Joshua tree.

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