Monday, November 9, 2009

Chicago, IL: The middle day

Brian: Well we all went to bed at a reasonable hour but we woke up at around 7:30 am. Ugh. Well, I’m a morning person so that’s never really a problem right away. I wake up pretty fresh no matter what happens. Nick on the other hand…

Nick: Fresh is not how I’d describe my mornings. If there’s no drinking, I feel a little sore from sleeping on short couches, floors, and any number of interesting surfaces. If there has been drinking, you get to throw in the sensation of a vice grip attached to my temples. Not my favorite. Fortunately, the city of Chicago decided that it might try to brighten my day with a florescent piece of orange paper, waiting ever so patiently for me underneath the wipers of Lucy. Turns out the first Wednesday of everything month is street sweeping day. Turns out we got a ticket fifteen minutes before we went out to the car. Turns out it was fifty bucks. Turns out that didn’t brighten my day. Go figure.

Brian: Damn the man! We stormed off to a Border’s on the north side of town to drown our sorrows in turkey pesto sandwiches. Border’s has become a staple of this trip for several reasons. One is the aforementioned sandwiches, another is free fast wireless Intermet. The final factor, and this is what separates Border’s from Barnes and Noble, is the plentitude of power sockets along the walls of the café. Go to any Barnes and Noble and good luck finding power. So for lunch Nick took me back downtown to this high end food court called Under 55. For less than 6 bucks I got four types of pasta salad, a cup of broccoli cheddar soup, Mountain Dew, and a cup of frozen yogurt. Under 55 for the win.

Nick: It was a food staple for me during art classes at The Institute.

Brian: Next we kicked it at this awesome comic book store which is right downtown and apparently pretty famous. I was actually surprised by the diversity of people in the shop. In addition to fat, balding, less-than-showered, white men I actually saw a couple girls and even a scene-ster in skinny jeans. Complete non-sequitur, I want nothing more in my life than to ride a Segway. I think I’d be really good at it.

Nick: So he says. A lot. At some point in the afternoon, we got a call from Sarah who was off from class. We met her back at her place, then decided to carve a pineapple her Mom had brought in from the suburbs. What to carve, what to carve… How’s about… a pirate ship? Yes, fantastic idea. We went to work, even going so far as to create real working sails (working in that they would interfere with wind) a sea monster and a bodacious mermaid on the front. Near completion, we got to work cleaning all the beer out of Sarah’s fridge until her friend came over to drop of a bandana (which has become Brian’s fashion staple) and we headed out to the bar where she works. We ordered a couple buckets, had a good time conversing about this and that, then headed back to the apartment. One of the topics of conversation, I remember, involved Sarah’s friend Laura who lives in California. Apparently, Laura would be delighted to host us once we get out to those parts. And so the dance continues. Tonight’s movie selection, in keeping the trend of furry French creatures leading lives filled with extraordinary cunning, virtue, and adventure, was Rata-

Brian: Too-e

Nick: Thanks. It’s actually a favorite of mine so I was much happier with the choice. Brian, following standard movie operating procedure, fell asleep in the seated position.

Brian: Not alone this time though! Sarah, in spite of her relentless teasing the night before, pulled her own bandana right down over her eyes and actually fell asleep before I did. Yeah, so put that in your water pipe and smoke it! Brian and Nick, out on the town, out of booze, out of time.

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