Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nashville, TN through Evansville, IN

Nick: What up ya’ll. Yeah, it’s been a while since we posted, and frankly we have no excuse. Suffice it to say that sometimes the days just get away from you, and before you know it you’re hundreds of miles down the road without a single blog post to show for it. It’s regrettable, but we’ll bring you up to speed in toady’s special edition of Freaks, Geeks and Automobiles: The Grand Update.

Brian: Nick slept in late at Lisa’s place. Like until noon. I woke up at 9 and read about two-thirds of Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, and as a result I have officially converted to Bokononism. As I recall, Nick and I didn’t have an officially intended destination for the next night, but we had some prospective CouchSurfing opportunities, and even if those fell through we were close enough to Indianapolis that we could always just drive back to the HQ. Luckily, on the way out the door Nick glanced up at a photo of Lisa’s parents and promptly decided to give them a call. That’s what I love about this trip.

Nick: Yeah, Pam and Brad are old family friends, and they’re also awesome. Those two things might have something to do with each other. I gave them a call, they were free, so off we went. I recall it raining all day that day, which tends to put me in a mood when I’m driving. If I have to deal with idiots on the road in good driving conditions, that’s one thing. Idiots in bad weather makes me wish for machine guns and a bulldozer scoop on the front of the car. Identify the bad the cars that aren’t moving along in a timely manner, shoot them up in a hailstorm of bullets, then plow them off to the side. That seems like a good traffic solution to me. Anyway, we made it to Evansville, which is in the southern most tip on Indiana, and met Brad and Pam at a Szechwan place. Chinese food at last…

Brian: Hey, you can’t talk about sci-fi vehicles and not expect me to have something to say. I imagine a sleeker, more futuristic Lucy, much like Speed Racer’s Mach 5, with hydraulic pistons underneath that can vault the car 25 feet in the air at will. Minus the trunk monkey mechanic.

Nick: Named Bobo right? I think that’s accurate. Cliché.

Brian: Ok, back to Chinese food. Yes, by some miracle, and by miracle I mean freak accident, Nick and I have not eaten Asian food yet on this trip. I believe this is a crime. So when Brad and Pam asked if we like spicy Chinese, we basically looked at each other and screamed like 12-year olds at a Jonas Brothers concert.

Nick: Not accurate.

Brian: The place they took us was a local Evansville specialty; a pioneer by the name of Jimmy Jiang decided to open a non-buffet style Chinese restaurant, the first in the town. In addition, the entrees were quite creatively named. Fantasy Duck anyone?

Nick: There were several good ones. One had something to do with treasure, like “Water Chestnut Treasure Delight.” I think there was also a “Crazy Dragon.” Why can’t more food have names that make me want to break out into some fierce Kung Fu fighting? It’s a crime. Back at Pam and Brad’s we met their dogs, which, like Lisa’s, were diverse in that there was a small one and a big one. The big one looked like a muppet or something. It was a mix between golden retriever and poodle, so it had super soft curly hair. It was also very… affectionate.

Brian: It basically just kept running into you, albeit lovingly, until you gave it attention. They should make doggie Ritalin. The night came to a casual close with a couple of The Office reruns, and the most recent episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I would like to dedicate this post to TiVo. It’s not just a way to record your favorite shows, it’s an unsubtle characterization of the American Ideal. Thank you TiVo, for bringing me one step closer to the push-button lifestyle that as an American I not only desire, but feel entitled to. Nick and Brian, out.

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