Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Nashville Day 1

Nick: So we all sort of had a slower morning. My head felt like it was trapped between the balls of Brian’s office toy, and I don’t think my two companions felt 100% either. Therefore pancakes were in order. But I’ll tell you right now, this isn’t your grandparent’s pancake place, oh no. You order the type of batter and toppings you want, and you make your own pancake right there on the skillet. Favorite pancake creations of the morning: A yin-yang sign made out of wheat and white batter and chocolate chips, the letter J, and a target logo. They were tasty, not to mention pretty flipp’n artistic.

Brian: Holy crap. Flipp’n? You just blew my mind with the awesomeness of that pun. I have to admit, even Hibachi-style pancakes weren’t really enough to bring us to 100% power. We went back to Hannah’s flat and popped in another Star Trek disk (The Original Series, for all our Trekkie readers who are wondering). My initial reaction to the newest Star Trek movie was that it was a little too “out there”. But after watching Shatner’s Kirk get beamed through an electromagnetic field onto a parallel Enterprise where everyone is a Nazi and Spock has a beard, I realized that the error was not with the film but with me. It was after noon at this point and Hannah had some work to do so Nick and I walked around Nashville for a couple hours and grabbed a bite at a local delicatessen (mediocre). The highlight of the walk was stopping by a trailer park themed bar. Astroturf on the ground, an ex-demolition derby vehicle right inside the door, and PBR on tap. Sounds like our kind of establishment on any other day.

Nick: But not that day. Eventually we made our way back over to the big park with the replica Parthenon. Hannah caught up to us there, and with her remaining 30 shots or so, we took (new to me) jiggly face photos. You just wiggle your head back and forth as fast as you can while someone snaps quick pics. The results will hopefully appear on this website in the near future. By then it was dinnertime, so we worked our way over to a supposedly amazing chicken place with specialization in black bean salad and Jamaican style everything else. It was good to be sure, but the portions weren’t exactly enormous. Over dinner, we decided that while Miss Messinger had really wanted to hit up a haunted field or house while she didn’t have to go home to an empty apartment, we all figured we STILL weren’t quite at 100% so a movie might be a more plausible way to spend the evening.

Brian: Sarah and I wanted to see that Paranormal Something-or-other movie which is like a Blair Witch type of indy film where a bunch of kids get their cookies tossed in a haunted house. Nick and Hannah wanted to see Where the Wild Things Are. Tie goes to the hostess, but I think her vote should only have counted for half, because that’s how much of the movie she saw before she fell asleep in the theatre. Nick and I were just as tired though, and after we got back to base camp we all went straight to bed. We didn’t even have nightcaps! Sorry these recovery day blog posts are a little slower than the normal fare. Pop-culture vampires: in. Brian and Nick: out.

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