Sunday, October 4, 2009

Glen Cove Day 3

Brian: Our last day in New York. The say “Go big or go home,” and since I’m currently homeless that doesn’t really leave me with a lot of options. Andreas had some business to attend to in the morning, which was fine with Nick and I because we exist in a constant state of fatigue, so the opportunity to chill out until the evening is appreciated. So we really kicked off our day at the crack of 5 pm with dinner at Ruby Tuesday’s and a viewing of the film Zombieland. Unfortunately, the power went out halfway through the movie due to some A-hole New York driver crashing into a pole. The manager said we could go to another local theatre with our stubs, but since we are traveling men, that isn’t really feasible. Even so, I’m convinced that if we show up at any Regal owned theatre in the country, I can talk the manager into letting us see the second half. I kept the stubs, so I’ll keep you updated.

Nick: Brian and I both decided that one of the worst places to be in the whole world is in the middle of a crowd of a bunch of pissed of Long Islanders. I tried to tell them that their rabbling wasn’t going to get the power back on but sometimes there’s just no reasoning with people. And I just lost. After the movie, we headed into the city to meet Brian’s friend Max and Georgia’s friend (Andreas’ sister) Ian then headed off to a beer garden.

Brian: This was one of the least comfortable moments on the trip. I had to pee. Like, I REALLY had to go. There were four people crammed into the back seat and I was a speed bump away from showering them R. Kelly style. But I made it, and I’m just hoping that now I’m not sterile. First order of business out of the way, we set out to acquire some beer.

Nick: The beers were remarkably big. Like, I-want-to-drink-my-beer-because-carrying-a-gallon-of-liquid-is-uncomfortable big.

Brian: I should know. I think I literally had a gallon of liquid in my bladder.

Nick: O.K., I think we’ve all heard enough about your digestive system for a while. The garden was fairly crowded so under Max’s wise instruction, we set out to practice our game a little. (Brian and I have always been the “relationship type.” We’ve both had girlfriends forever and ever, and as a result may be a little out of touch.)

Brian: I’d say the night was an overall success though. We opened up sets (the technical term for a group of people at a bar) of all different sizes and compositions and were generally well received. Max had us using two different lines throughout the night, one involving advice about a 3-way, and one involving tongue piercing. I can say for myself that my ultimate goal was to be more hilarious and likeable than attempting to actually pick up any girls, so I count it as a win.

Nick: I had fun and got to drink a lot of beer, so I count it as a win tambien.

Brian: And that brings us to goodbye NY. It was fun, short but sweet. But L.U.C.Y. and the open road beckon. Brian and Nick out.

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