Friday, October 2, 2009

Astoria, NY through Glen Cove, NY

Brian: A couple slow days of R&R to come, which is nice and well needed, I think Nick will concur. Julia took us to a delicious little diner in little Greece, and we bid her farewell at around 1:30pm. Before we left her lying friend Justin stopped by and lied some more. No, I don’t believe that there are Mole-People living underground in abandoned subway tunnels playing 60-pound Didgeridoos.

Nick: It does seem unlikely. Next stop: Long Island to visit a very important member of this journey: College buddy and general champion at life Andreas. Andreas had plans to join us at the beginning of this great trek but backed out at the last minute because he had to study for the LSAT. But now the test is over and Andreas will likely be a permanent addition to the trip.

Brian: Somehow, I feel like the Fellowship is complete.

Nick: It seems likely that things will really get interesting now… In the meantime, we had sort of a slow day as Brian said. We caught up, then decided to go into the city to check out the MET. Unfortunately, parking was INSANELY expensive so we only had a couple hours to dash through thousands of years of art history before rushing back to move the car.

Brian: Luckily, we were able to locate the most hilarious stone carving in the world, even given the short time we were there. This piece (pun intended and you’ll see why) was a black stone carving about the size of my fist. It was of a man riding a winged penis, and the penis had a penis of its own (much like a gun mounted on the underside). Andreas wanted to take it home.

Nick: For dinner, we hit up a famous diner called Neptune’s, which was quite good. If you readers are following along, I think we’ve eaten in a diner several times a day for the last few days. I can feel my arteries begging for mercy.

Brian: Time out. I have to pound this piece of chicken-fried steak through my left ventricle… ok, we’re good (for another 3 minutes). The night ended with some intense Beatles Rock Band, and other festivities. Use your imagination; we can’t do all the work. Song of the day: Helter Skelter by you know who. Out.

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