Saturday, October 10, 2009

Philadelphia, PA Day 3

Brian: I thanked my body for being such a trooper by getting a full night of rest and having a simple breakfast of granola and goat yogurt. Then for no reason at all I punished my body by purchasing a $2 fried egg sandwich on the street from a Middle Eastern man in a silver trailer. What about second breakfast… elevensies…

Nick: As if the blog isn’t nerdy enough…

Brian: We spent Friday morning catching up on this week’s TV shows. Jim and Pam got married! Like I care. If it was up to me, a single Pam would be purchasing the first of many cats, and Jim would still be tapping that Italian chick. What can I say, I’m a sucker for a girl that knows how to play Call of Duty.

Nick: After tasty cart food, I had a conversation with Erika about next summer in Philly, seminary, and where I might find the funding for those ventures. Next, we drove to the post office to pick up a birthday package from my folks. Suffice it to say, as parents go, I got pretty lucky. With gift in hand, our next stop was a place named, rather lamely I think, the Magic Gardens. The place itself is not lame however. It’s a multi-level sculpted environment made mostly from found materials like bottles, shards of glass and ceramic, and bicycle wheels. I can’t imagine why I would like a place like that…

Brian: Trash tree much? In all seriousness though, the Gardens were pretty awesome. Although the faces in the artwork are reminiscent of Napoleon Dynamite’s rendering of Trish, the man has clearly spent countless hours placing each shard of glass and tile with utmost care. Definitely check this out if you are in Philly. The best part was, as we were walking out, I accidentally brushed shoulders with this hippy dude. When I turned around to apologize, I was looking into the face of the man who built the Magic Garden’s. It was kind of like at the end of a movie where an inspirational person makes a cameo as his or herself and gives an inspirational speech. We were hungry again by the time we were finished, so I led Nick to a nearby pizza hole using ISP.

Nick: Italian Sensory Perception. I like it. After that, we hit up a bar in north Philly that allegedly had free drinks from 7-9 in honor of their one-year anniversary.

Brian: This was according to a girl named Jade that we met on CouchSurfing. We met her at the bar. I know what you are thinking. After the Dooz debacle why would we ever give meeting people online another chance? Well you might be right about that, because things got a little crazy toward the end of the night. But to begin, yes, they did, in fact, have free drinks.

Nick: What up. After that, we worked our way south again to end the night in that most excellent of dive bars, Bob and Barbara’s. A can of PRB and a shot of Jim Beam for three dollars? Yes, please. The long and the short of it was, it was an easy night on the wallets. Another rough one on the liver. Life is about compromises.

Brian: A lesson Jade would be wise to learn. She drank a bit too much and then tried to follow us home. We gave her a subway token and told her she needed to go to bed. She wouldn’t have any of it, and she tried to tell us that she didn’t actually even have a home. I believe this to be a lie, because she had earlier asked us if we needed a place to stay, and offered her residence to us. We ended up walking her to the subway station and then sprinting a couple blocks as soon as we rounded the corner. She was that clingy. But we were able to shake her.

Nick: OK, listen close all you cyberistas out there. We like meeting new people, and we know some of you are good because Amy Blunt from Pittsburg made us cupcakes. The rest of you need to cool it with the crazy. Seriously. If you can’t trust people you meet on the Intermet, who can you trust? The song of the day is definitely “Jaded,” by Aerosmith. That pretty much does it for Friday. Check out the new poll if you haven’t already. Nick and Brian oooouuutt.

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