Friday, October 2, 2009

Princeton, NJ through Astoria, NY

Nick: This morning, I went to a class and walked around a bit. My conclusion: Princeton is going to be one of my top choices for school for lots of reasons, none of which would likely interest you readers. So I shall spare you. We left Brenna and the school then made our way to a diner outside the city on our way to New York City.

Brian: While Nick was in class I stayed in the apartment and read Entertainment Magazine, you know, to catch up on world events. At the diner I made the observation that those hours in the morning Nick and I spent apart were the first in 15 days. So far no fights.

Nick: Our next stop was my friend Julia’s apartment in Queens. She has been a friend from church for several years, though I haven’t seen much of her in the last couple years. We caught up, had some pasta, and headed over to central park where they were showing the Wizard of Oz along with a concert before hand.

Brian: The concert had two main acts, a young girl who apparently was on Dancing with the Stars and is attempting to break into music (unsuccessfully methinks, her voice was breathy and flat) and Jennifer Hudson from American Idol/Dreamgirls who brought some urban flavor to some classic Oz hits. Though the failure of the warm-up act may have been due to her outfit; it looked like a $12.00 “Sexy Dorothy” costume you could purchase at Spencer’s. I called her Whore-othy for the rest of the my entire life.

Nick: That was the zing of the day.

Brian: The night ended with a debate over a glass of wine as to the rules of the “If you think about the game you lose” game. I contend that the game can only be lost once daily, and when you lose you can create a chain reaction of losing to all of the people around you. The other version of the game can be lost only by one person every 20 minutes, and the declaration of their loss grants 20 minutes of immunity to everybody else. It was a boring argument, and even you win the argument, you still lose.

Nick: Brian lost the argument. He also failed to mention what might have been the best performance by a single individual on this trip thus far. I have affectionately dubbed this crazy man at the concert Spin-Master Flex. He was an older gentleman who, at first, just hobbled around the sidewalk when the music from the concert started. Soon though, he began doing wild, flailing spins all over the place, sometimes leaping into the air only to land and spin on. It was intense.

Brian: But his balance was incredible. I don’t think I could maintain those RPM’s during a jazzy rendition of Over the Rainbow. Kudos. Alright, that brings our night to a close. Thanks again to the lovely Julia for introducing us to her liar of a friend Justin, and for graciously hosting us. Out.

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