Friday, October 2, 2009

Glen Cove Day 2

Brian: I can honestly say that all the R&R we got Wednesday was cancelled out by the partying we did that night. Oh well, there are plenty of good reasons to sit around Andreas’ house for another day. One, Andreas has a couple loose ends to tie up. Two, staying here is free, and it isn’t like Nick and I are in a rush. Three, we still haven’t met our goal of eating a Grand Slam breakfast at every diner in NYC. Do you feel like East Norwich Pancake House for breakfast? I know I do.

Nick: As Brian says, it was a slow day but it’s been a while since we’ve seen Andreas, and we think we need some time to acclimate him to the rigorous conditions of this trip. For example, we made him drink Moxie.

Brian: We should force him to watch a making-of documentary for Indian Statues too.

Nick: In the evening, we went into the city to check in on Jake, another friend from school. He’s got a great apartment in Manhattan, and we hung out playing cards, watching the office, and just generally hanging out before heading back home sometime after midnight.

Brian: Short post for a non-eventful day. I’m sure when we hit the road again we will have many a juicy tidbit for our devotees.

Nick: The bacon poll is closed. Seems “crispy” won out handily. Well done readers, you passed the first trial. Song of the day? Probably Bohemian Rapsody. Brian and Nick out

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