Friday, October 23, 2009

Norfolk, VA through Wilmington, NC

Nick: Yeah, yeah, we’re bums. It’s been a few days since our last post. But we’ll have you know, we’ve been working hard to rest up so that we can continue to provide the highest standard of coverage from around the nation that you’ve come to expect.

Brian: We are actually writing this after having left Nick’s parents’ house in North Carolina. In fact, our current location may come as a surprise to many of our most faithful followers. We are breaking a promise we made. Let’s talk about that in a later post. For now, as far as the readers are concerned, we are waking up at Nikki’s house in Virginia.

Nick: It was one of those special mornings where I wake up on the floor desperately trying to figure out what happened the night before. I had little time to wonder however as our gracious host provided expediant glasses of orange juice, then ushered us out as she was on her way to an early day of work. Which was fine. We had work to do.

Brian: By accident, Nikki’s house was about 4 blocks away from Fair Grounds, the coffee shop we had visited yesterday. Neither of us were feeling up for blogging, so we settled into some comfortable chairs in a corner and busted out our Gameboys. You’d be surprised what an hour of Gameboy can do for a hangover. Anyway, I can’t remember if I mentioned this last time, but posters were taped all over the walls of Fair Grounds stating that the “free” Internet [sic] (it should read Intermet) is for paying customers only, blah, blah, blah, please make a purchase. Somewhat unfriendly compared to the coffee shops I typically frequent, but times are tough, and I rarely go into a coffee shop and do not make a purchase anyway. Well, apparently I didn’t act quickly enough for the proprietor of the establishment, because he approached me, rudely interrupted my gaming, and stated that customers are asked to make a purchase when using the amenities provided. I told him that I was thinking about it, and he responded, “Well, you can’t just think about it, you have to do it.” Had I not been slightly affected by the Fog of War, I would have let him have it. Any other day of the year. I literally watched him kick out another guy who was reading a newspaper. I purchased tea (cheapest item on the menu) and considered for the next hour leaving him a bad review on Yelp!. I hope the Starbucks across the street drives him out of business.

Nick: Maybe my Fog was thicker. I didn’t really care. Speaking of, when it became time to roll out, I suggested that Brian take the Captain’s Wheel of our vessel as I didn’t feel quite ready to command. He drove for a while. Then we swapped. Then I had to have nap time. I think we crashed in a Home Depot parking lot. It was mildly refreshing. Next stop: Rose, our Couch Surfing contact in Greensboro, NC. We met her and her boyfriend at some local bar downtown then headed to their totally sweet apartment for some crazy delicious homemade chili and television. It was a much needed rest from the previous night’s pumpkin beer tsunami. Not to mention the next stop was my good buddy’s girlfriend’s place in Durham, NC, and I knew there would be plenty of drinking there.

Brian: Way to under appreciate the awesomeness of the chili and cornbread. And how awesome Rose’s apartment was. The apartment started out with a hallway where the bedrooms and bathroom were located and opened up into a huge hardwood living room that was at least 750 square feet. In college I lived in full apartments that could easily fit inside her living room. She let us stay up late and watch TV. I found out that I love that show “It’s Always Sunny in Philidelphia”. I recommend it. The only bad part about the experience was that I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat, and couldn’t get back to sleep because I was terrified of having tonsillitis and no insurance.

Nick: Pretty sure I said it was awesome and delicious. I find that short, succinct words are more accurate and ultimately powerful than large, long adjectival clauses. But I’m no English major. That about does it for day thirty-something. Hope all is well out there in cyber space. BRIAN AND NICK ARE GO

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