Friday, September 25, 2009

Bar Harbor, ME through Cambridge, MA

Brian: I’ve never been so in touch with my Circadian rhythm in my life as I have been over the last couple days. Nick and I have been waking up naturally at 7:10 on the dot almost every day this week, and as soon as the sun goes down we are ready to pass out. Don’t worry, we’ve been compensating for this healthy lifestyle by remaining as stationary as possible for the majority of the day, as well as consuming Arby’s at every opportunity. So other than the most annoying bird song I’ve ever heard in my life, the morning was uneventful, and I think I speak for both of us when I say we were done with Maine. I wonder if we should have picked up some Moxie on the way out…

Nick: By wonder, you mean you’re frustrated beyond any consolation that we don’t have Moxie.

Brian: Sure

Nick: Well, as Brian says, we were sick of Maine and ready for some normal human contact. Though we passed through Pittsburgh, we still hadn’t been into a city yet. Thus, Boston was the next stop. The sky grew dark and blusterous as we entered the city limits, and I would have it no other way. First order of business: hit the Dugout. The Dugout, for you poor souls that have never experienced its wonderment, is the dive bar directly under my old college apartment where we used to while away many nights shooting pool and making life long enemies with people with aggressive facial hair.

Brian: Nedstache...

Nick: Sadly, he wasn’t there. BUT in no time at all we struck up conversation with a lively fellow named Robert, Bobby, Bob, and Rob alternatively.

Brian: Imagine a coked-up Jim Carrey with a gambling addiction, an alcohol problem, and a voice as smooth as velvet. It was 3:30 pm, he was drunk, and he informed us that he had an interview for a voice-over job in about twenty minutes. Naturally, we wanted a sample. But first, he insisted on buying us shots, and for old times sake we selected doubles of Southern Comfort. We clinked our glasses and threw the sweet whiskey down our gullets, only to find that Bob was only capable of delicate sips. What kind of alcoholic was he, anyway? So Nick and I put our sunglasses on and assumed the roles of talent scouts to help get Robbie prepared for his big chance. The ridiculously random role-play lasted about 10 minutes, and we have a 3-minute sample of the audio on Nick’s iPhone. It is my personal mission to figure out how to post the audio clip on the blog.

Nick: It was an interesting encounter. So after he went his way, our old college buddies AJ Duffy and Shaun Lai showed up. We caught up, talked about where we all were in life, and they gave us their business cards. I guess that’s just what you do when you have a job. Brian and I wouldn’t know.

Brian: Homeless, unemployed, uninsured…

Nick: After shooting the breeze for a while, we got dropped off at my old roommate Dom’s new apartment in Cambridge. We hung out, caught up, and admired the intensely high ceilings of his place. Then hit the sack. It seemed like forever since I had been in a real bed, and I don’t think either of us wasted anytime falling asleep. Fin.

Brian: Yeah, not much more to say. Thanks to AJ’s girlfriend for the taco and burrito. Song of the day: The Boys are Back in Town – Thin Lizzy. Out.

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