Monday, September 28, 2009

Lunenburg, MA through Manchester, NH

Brian: Perhaps the greatest morning so far, except for ninja camping under the cover of fog, was waking up to a massive breakfast of steak leftovers and sausage scramble at Dave’s lake house. As I recall, the sink was filled with empty bottles. And, on the very last piece of bait we had, I caught my first fish. Nick had pulled in about thirty-five (five with one piece of steak) and Dave had caught one earlier that morning so I needed to reel one in so as to not seem lame. What can I say, I’ve got clutch. Drinking and fishing: Hemmingway would have been proud.

Nick: Mm. Next stop was a nice, local restaurant off the side of the road with one of the weirdest waitresses we’ve had so far. And we’ve actually had quite a few. It was hard to explain really. She didn’t say anything super weird, per se. She just had a lot of really bizarre gestures and head nods, and she was way too enthusiastic about things like lemons in water. It was as though everything we decided had grave consequences. Maybe they did. Either way, we made it out alive and headed for a coffee shop in Manchester, NH where Brian’s friend Jeremy was going to put us up for the night. Though the name escapes me, the place rocked. Incredibly nice old ladies ran it, everything was homemade, and the décor was sort of all over the place.

Brian: It was called “Jewella and the Beanstalk”. And yeah, the ladies were maybe the nicest wait staff we’ve had on this trip, although like you said we’ve had some super weirdos. More to come on that. So Jeremy, Jesse, and their delightful feline companions welcomed us into their apartment with open arms/paws. We chatted for a while, had a few beers, and headed out to a local establishment were the appetizers were 50% off. I was introduced by Nick to a delicious Belgian brew named Leffe, which I hereby recommend to all readers. The night ended with Moxie shots (no mixers, Moxie is stiff enough on its own) and a long game of Apples to Apples in which I was schooled. Maybe I just don’t read people that well. Anyway, another shout out and thanks to Jeremy and Jesse for allowing us to crash on their floor. And laser-pointering the cats. I could do that all day.

Nick: We ended the night by sharing youtube videos. She-Wolf, by Shakira is the song of the day. Youtube the video “She He Wolf” to find out why. Adios.

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