Sunday, September 20, 2009

Gilfortd State Park, VT through Laconia, NH

Brian: Once upon a time there were two friends named Nick and Brian who met a young gent by the name of Ryan Audley. Several late night card games and Jagermeister shots later, the trio had formed a fast bond of friendship, impenetrable to even the sharpest sword or wit. When Nick and Brian received an invitation to the 21st birthday of Ryan’s sister Kelly (and when they heard there was going to be an open bar) their RSVP was swift and sure. Their reunion would have been an occasion of merriment regardless, but with this news a raucous and memorable evening was sure to ensue.

Nick: It occurs to me at this point that you readers may be developing the opinion that my companion and myself are, for lack of a more delicate expression, raging alcoholics. This could not be further from the truth. We’ve simply acquired an appreciation for the interesting conversations and situations that seem to arise after a few rounds of something cold, delicious, and triple-filtered. Jimmy Buffet fans know what I’m talking about. Responsibility people, that’s the key.

Brian: And moderation. By that I don’t mean drink moderately, just make sure that your drinking is moderated by another person. So last night, Nick and I were behind the scenes at an Audley event. Good food and free booze can only take you so far, but the Audleys and their friends are a dynamic and welcoming bunch with the ability to bust some serious dance moves.

Nick: Unfortunately, their true dance potential was hindered by someone I feel comfortable calling a terrible DJ.

Brian: Wasn’t his name DJ Ass Hat? That should have tipped us off right away.

Nick: No, that was the name you gave him. SO check this out: of course we request Miley right off the bat, but the guy wasn’t having it. O.K., I can see the reasoning. But as the night wore on, we were dragged through a bizarre musical landscape consisting of a handful of twangy country numbers, the occasional classic rock ballad, and a number of pop songs that I hadn’t heard since my last Middle School dance.
Brian: Also reminiscent of Middle School: he ended with a pair of slow songs from a couple CD’s he probably picked up in the free box of a garage sale back in 1995. I wouldn’t have been surprised to see DJ Killjoy spacing people out with a yardstick. Let me get back to a part of the party worth mentioning: the delicious chow. Beef and chicken skewers to start, followed by penne in a chicken broccoli Alfredo sauce, and bacon-wrapped scallops the size of my fist for dessert. And for second dessert, a chocolate cake with Ganache frosting in the shape of a designer handbag. Ooh fancy! Special mention for the Washington Apple shot(s?) I had that night as well: they were delicious and did the WA proud.

Nick: By delicious, Brian of course means that they were just awful. I mean, I know Brian thinks he enjoyed them, so he’s not being insincere. He’s just being wrong.

Brian: Whatever. I’m not done yet: for breakfast we had crumble cake muffins, two almond cakes, and about a pig’s worth of maple glazed bacon, which Ryan’s father Sam grilled to crispy perfection. Poll of the day (yeah, we have a poll, what of it?) Which is best: Crispy bacon, flaccid bacon, Canadian bacon, or the pepper bacon they put on those super good Arby’s sandwiches sometimes? Personally, I prefer the crispy stuff.

Nick: I do too. Also, a “pig” is now an official unit of measure for volume. Its actual size is more than a gallon, but somewhat less than a keg. Now you know. Song of the day? Probably “Black Magic Woman.” In reference to a woman. From the party. You know who you are. Now we hope you'll enjoy the few pictures we have from the day:

Da Fridge

Brian's Dream Car

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