Friday, September 25, 2009

Cambridge, MA through Lunenburg, MA

Brian: Big news! We finally slept in past 10 o’clock. I don’t know about Nick, but it’s a good thing I did, because that morning I wasn’t exactly feeling 100%. Nothing cures what ails you like UBurger, so Nick and I made that our first stop of the day. If you ever make it out to Kenmore Square, I recommend the Boom Burger; it’s covered in fried jalapenos and spicy cheese.

Nick: I’m all about the Hot Chick sandwich. Unlike its human equivalent, it never disappoints.

Brian: Words to live by. Speaking of which, yesterday’s blog was written in a Dunkin’ Donuts about 45 minutes outside of Boston. There we met an older gentleman in a suit, who later declared himself to be a “Big-Mouth Boston Lawyer.” He was curious as to what we could be working on so furiously, and so we explained to him about our road trip (a 30-second sound byte we have down pat). He wanted in. We told him he could have a quote in the blog. Here it is.

“Don’t get divorced.” (And then he laughed maniacally but I’m not sure if it’s part of the quote or not.)

We meet the best people on this trip.

Nick: After Dunkin’, we headed out to Brian’s friend Dave’s lake house. It’s clearly Autumn around here by the way, and the drive is getting to be really beautiful. We got to the lake, talked with Dave for a while, then headed out to… Yeah, I couldn’t believe it either. A giant Indian statue.

Brian: Believe it. I think it would be not only possible but quite easy to go on a 3-month road trip just seeking out BFI’s; the hard part would be surviving the suicidal depression that would surely follow.

Nick: Where do these monolithic natives come from? Who is creating them? Just what are they up to? Are they really just statues, or might they be robots? I grow increasingly suspicious that a mad scientist somewhere has a remote that can activate their “Kill all humans” mode. But maybe I’m just paranoid. This particular Indian seemed docile, so we snapped a few pics for posterity then took Dave’s boat for a high-speed ride around the lake.

Brian: We saw a Bald Eagle out there.

Nick: We did. Quite majestic. Back at the docks, we went fishing for a while with mixed results. Giant steaks and locally made sausages for dinner, bonfire illuminating the table on the beach.

Brian: We took the boat into the middle of the lake at night and looked up at the sky. When you spend a couple nights in the city it’s easy to forget that there are actually a boot load of stars up there. A growler of local beer and some hookah for dessert.

Nick: Does life get much better? Unlikely. We fished a little more, then put a Chuck Norris flick in till we all passed out. Brian snored.

Brian: It’s beyond my control. Thanks to Dave for an awesome night of manliness, mystery, and wonder. Our paths will surely cross again. Song of the day: Give Up the Funk (Tear the Roof off the Sucker) by Parliament. Thanks again for reading. If you like the blog, tell your friends. Out.


  1. Me: Does that indian seem docile? He looks like he's giving the sieg heil to me. beware.

  2. Me: they kind of remind me of the Sentinels from X-men too.

  3. Agree with David on both levels there...damn Nazi Sentinels...
