Friday, January 15, 2010

Chamberlain Creek CA through San Francisco CA

bn on coast

Nick: Waking up after sleeping in the driver's seat of a car for the second night in a row was rough.

Brian: Don't worry parents, as of today that was the last night we've slept in the car on the side of the road.

Nick: I think I knotted up something in my stomach being crumpled up for so long because I've had searing pain in the area since then. Another casualty of the road I guess. We drove for a while down some pretty gorgeous highway, then pulled off and dined at a boring little cafe. Why do I mention that humble eatery? As I was to discover later, that cafe would be a place of great concern to me, though I couldn't have known it at the time. After some food, we drove a bit longer on a quest for some quality beach time. After a couple failed attempts, we finally found a sweet stretch of coast completely unoccupied by anyone except a group of pretty subdued sea lions. A herd of sea lions? A flock? I'm not a zoologist. It's not my problem.

Brian: I would think that sea lions would travel in prides.

Tyler: I think they were actually seals.

Brian: Anyway, way to totally not mention that at this point we are traveling on Highway 1 which is arguably the most beautiful scenic highway in America. I don't know if we can put the beauty into words but imagine epic Lord of the Rings style cliffs with 15 foot waves smashing up against rocky beaches under rolling farm country, or just check out the pictures on our Photobucket account.


Tyler: I think I saw Gollum... or maybe that was just a crackhead. I also wish I could post all the photos I've taken so far this trip but I'm already somewhere in the 5-6 gigs range.

Nick: Mm, maybe I forgot to mention the view because instead of enjoying my time up on the rocks, I was running back to the beach to move all of our stuff further up the cliff. Things you wouldn't want washed away, like, I don't know, car keys. I'm glad one of us is responsible in this group.

Brian: A bold statement considering the location of your laptop at that time...

Tyler: Okay so we stopped at a beach in Sonoma county just off CA-1 and decided to spend the entire day there: I don't think anyone mentioned this yet and just sort of assumed you knew where it was. We read, we lounged, we drank boxed wine and played beach bocce ball. This game proved to be incredible. First we found a distinct rock to serve as the bocce, then each of us selected two rocks to serve as our bowling balls, the great part about this being that you can select rocks that fit your play style, flat if you like to just plop them down, round if you prefer the roll, etc.

beach bacci

Nick: I think rolling is generally superior, and to prove my point, rolled my way to a sweeping come back victory.

Tyler: While we played this game Brian's plastic cup of red wine started to grow some interesting... developments.

Brian: Somehow while I was drinking my wine a bundle of sand-fly larvae landed directly in my cup. At least I hope that's how it happened, because I had been drinking out of that cup for about 10 minutes and it gives me the creeps to think that I was drinking around the pupae without noticing they were in there. Tyler was so grossed out that he threw away his own wine that wasn't even contaminated.

brian's wine

Tyler: Yeah, even looking at the picture makes me a little sick.

Nick: Whatever, you eat a ton of bugs in your sleep. Get over it. After the beach, it was time to head into San Francisco. It was dark by the time we arrived, but the Golden Gate Bridge was still clear from miles away against the illuminated back drop of the city. It was even more clear when we had to pay six dollars to cross the damn thing. We met up with our hostess for the evening, Katie, then got back to work on our Franzia.

Brian: We also tried to bust out our laptops. Tyler and I succeeded, and Nick succeeded in realizing that his laptop was in a cafe 3 hours away. Hopefully. (It was, we got it back later.) Anyway, what was supposed to be a couple glasses of wine and maybe a beer out at Katie's favorite local establishment turned into a raucous night of debauchery tagging along with some guys 25th birthday celebration.

Nick: Doesn't it always?

Brian: I think his name was Sam. Also I met some Australian guys who said I can stay on their couch for as long as I want if I go to Australia. Yeah and we got kicked out of a bar and I don't know why.

Tyler: Yeah, I remember going to the bathroom and then seeing an old man with a huge beard yelling at every member of our group. Oh well, that place smelled like a portapotty, and not a clean one.

Nick: I challenged him to a duel on the field of honor to resolve the matter, but that didn't seem to help much at all. Live and learn, I guess. Brian was getting fussy, so we headed back to Katie's apartment to indulge in the luxury of not sleeping in a seated position. It was everything I had hoped it would be. Maybe more.

Tyler: I slept outside on the porch, it was awesome. BNT out.

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