Thursday, January 21, 2010

Santa Cruz CA through San Luis Opisbo CA

Nick: Rain. Rain. Rain. If only there was something fun we could do, that we could only do, in the rain. Like rain boarding. Rain surfing. Maybe fly a rain kite. What? Those things don't exist? Bummer. I guess our pattern of driving in the rain, sitting in a Borders to wait out the rain, then running through the rain to make it inside our next host's home will have to continue for a bit longer. Joy. In the meantime, let us bring you up to speed.

Tyler: I only came on this trip because Nick promised me sunshine and streets paved with gold, plus free candy, and this rain has put a serious damper on my frolicking.

Brian: The weather forecast says rain until Friday, which perhaps not so coincidentally is the day Tyler is leaving. Take it with you, Tyler! Alright, we woke up on Sophie's floor the next day and kicked it at her place for the majority of the morning. We've noticed a pattern of the rain letting up every so slightly in the midday so I think we were waiting for that to make our move. It was beautiful despite the inclement conditions along the California coastline, and the drive was mostly uneventful. We did stop along a beach at one point just to bask in the majesty of the massive waves crashing against the jagged shoreline, and apparently another guy had the same idea. He had classic rock cranked up to 11 and was passed out in the front seat of his Dodge POS with 2 plastic bags full of frozen pizzas in the back seat.

Tyler: Don't forget the rad blond mullet.

Nick: A thought occurs: that dude is dead. We'll miss you, fellow rocker. Peace out. After a quick lunch of something that was definitely not Taco Bell (OK it was probably Taco Bell) we journeyed on until we got to a town named San Luis Opisbo, or SLO for all you cool cats and kittens. Our hosts, despite needing to study for the evening, invited us into their home. Brian, Tyler... do you guys smell something? You don't? Me either... Weird. Alyssa and her housemates made us question everything we know about couch surfing: their place was super clean, pretty darn nice, we had our own room, and all the residents were busy, productive members of society. We had a group meeting and decided that we needed to go out, and that our hosts needed to come with us. They declined. Fine then, we'll just go explore the town by ourselves.

Tyler: Yes, we sort of had to make up for their studious inclinations. Everyone knows that amount of effort put forth by members of society is a constant. So in order to prevent any paradoxes we had to slack. We didn't enjoy but it was our duty as citizens of this fine country. In order for others to succeed we needed to....not succeed (fail isn't quite the right word).

Nick: I don't entirely follow your logic, but I'm going to reconcile it with an oriental approach: ying and yang. So like, we're restoring balance to the universe, yeah? Yeah.

Tyler: Anyway, we started the night off in a classy bar called Spikes Pub. They had a startling selection of beers from around the world but they all leaned towards the pricey side. Still you can't start the night off on a bad note, the aftertaste of Coors Light or Budweiser never seems to leave once it establishes a foothold. After our one drink a piece we headed to a less classy but still fun establishment called Peach and Frog. The beers were cheap and we happened to stumble upon this particular bar during "open jam night". The music was great. Not only did they have a wide selection of bass, guitar and drum players but someone actually put lyrics in the form of a hip-hop freestyle to the whole thing. So, I present Tyler's equation for a universal good time: cheap beers + good music = good times. It's a working theory, so don't be too critical.

Brian: It might not be super universal, but on the other hand it definitely always applies to the people I want to hang out with. So the only drawback to the night was the fact that our hosts live pretty far from downtown, so we have to keep our wits about us, so to speak, in order to drive home later. Actually another major drawback: It was ladies night at the bar. Sounds great, right? Well it would be if the main type of women there weren't the kind with a penchant for pixie hair-cuts, men's chinos, and flannel vests. Know what I mean, jellybean?

Nick: Unfortunately, yes. Over and out (of the closet).

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