Sunday, January 17, 2010

San Francisco CA through Santa Cruz CA

BN camping

Nick: Heads up: this day was not our most adventerous day. We know freaksgeeksandautomobiles nation logs on every day thirsting for tales of harrowing darring-do from everyone's favorite guys, and we hate to disapoint. But as it turns out, even road trip heroes need to take a break every now and then. We woke up in Katie's apartment, checked to make sure we had our laptops, then hit the road. Traveling south on Highway 1 has been a treat, since the brakes didn't burst into flames, the day's drive was no exception. All the way down we were greeted with sweeping coastal scenes of rocky beaches and wind-swept waves. When we arrived in Santa Cruz, it was time for a resupply. We were out of chow and worse, beverages.

Brian: And gas. So we stopped at a gas station, a Safeway, and a Borders in that order. Administrative duties took us into the afternoon until we found a beach side campsite about 20 minutes south of town. The good news is that it is supposed to be clear tonight, so I think our gear will be fine. The bad news is it is supposed to rain all week next week so we might be sleeping in the car unless we can get meet up with some couch surfers. The latter is usually a viable option but lately they haven't been biting like they usually do. I think the rain in California is confusing to its residents, and so they are responding with amotivation and lethargy. Dinner was interesting but delicious; I'll let Tyler (our camp chef) handle the details.

Tyler: We made one of my favorite camp meals, something me and some friends came up with while stay at a place called "the whammy bar" just outside of Mt. Shasta. The basic idea is that when camping burritos are amazing but carting around cheese can be tiresome as it starts to get disgusting after a few days without refrigeration. Plus you need something that can be cooked on a camp-stove. The solution: mac and cheese burritos. The basic idea is that instead of cheese you use mac and cheese.

Nick: Clarification: powdered cheese. Please continue.

Tyler: It's incredible. On this occasion we also added some canned tuna fish and some canned chili. Mac and cheese is super easy to make on one burner and then you just add in the tuna heat up the beans and put it all in a tortilla. If you have hot sauce even better, if not that's okay too. Another reason that this works so well for camping is that you only need one utensil, the serving spoon/spork/piece of cardboard from the mac and cheese box. So if there's a few of you and only spoon you don't have to take turns eating.

Nick: After dinner, we all cozied up around the campfire and started to discuss matters of grave importance. No, seriously. We're all pretty philosophical like that. I'd tell you what we talked about, but you probably wouldn't understand. Our meditations were eventually interrupted however with a "shut the hell up" from a stranger. Darn, the fun's over and now some disgruntled camper is probably going to cut a hole in our tent later. What? You just wanted to come over to bring us more beer, and your gruff shout was just a comedic opener to establish a mood of easy going friendship? Yes, camping stranger and RV neighbor, we accept your new friendship and your beer. Your small dog is annoying though.

Brian: Aw, I liked Benny. Yeah, a couple came and introduced themselves to us. They were probably in their 30's, super-nice, the woman was totally sober, the man was totally tanked. We let them try some delicious jerky, they gave us some delicious cookies, and we ended up chatting late into the night. At one point we ran out of firewood though, so we had to go about the dirty business of acquiring some more.

Nick: I put on my best ninja equipment which gives me +5 sneak and headed over to the ranger's cabin. Sneak, sneak sneak. Ah hah, here's the wood storage shed. Locked! Hm... sneak, sneak, sneak. Ah hah, there's a pile of wood behind the shed under a tarp. Time to remove some logs... careful, careful... don't let your intoxication betray your position with stumbling, bumbling movements. Shh... the ranger's RV is right next to the pile, don't wake him up... One, two... five pieces, that ought to do it. Time to hall ass. Mission accomplished.

Tyler: Neither of you guys mentioned the awesome singing of random rap songs to the tune of wagon wheel...

Brian: Awesome story, but we also felt bad so we sneak, sneak, sneaked 5 bucks under the camp host's windshield wipers. In case you didn't notice this is the third late night in a row, so feel free to guess how awesome we are going to feel tomorrow.

Nick: First two don't count.

Brian: Over and out.

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