Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Santa Cruz CA Day 2

Brian: The first thought in my mind when I woke us this morning was how pumped I was to be sleeping in a real house tonight. I don't even care if it's a house full of naturalist stoner neo-hippies. This unconventional California rain bites. The second thought in my mind was, "Oh shit, we have to pack up camp before we get caught and have to pay!" I will again refer to the great Benny Hill in comparison to our park exit routine. We scrambled around like crazy for about 25 minutes. Crap where's Tyler? He went to fill up his water bottle? And the white truck pulls up...

Nick: It would seem we're no longer the ninja campers we once were. This calls for some serious time in the dojo, asap. Meanwhile, we needed to find a real building in order to get out of the rain. A small coffee shop in downtown Santa Cruz suited our purposes wonderfully, with its abundant Intermet and hummus-laden bagels. Tasty. After a serious blog/research/couchsurfing session, we headed off to the Mystery Spot. The what? Oh, you mean you're not familiar with the bizarre anomaly in the woods outside Santa Cruz that causes reality itself to become twisted and all together flipped upside down? Oh, OK, come along with us then and we'll take you there. First stop: a cement block that, despite being perfectly level (thank you iphone level) distorts the height of people standing on it. Like, Brian and I stood eye to eye on the block, then traded places. When we gazed into each others eyes again, alas! Dark-sided arts had made him a full three or four inches shorter. Mysterrrrious.... There was also a cabin on a hill that allowed you to bend at super-extreme angles without falling over. Weird. And a level board where objects would seemingly roll up hill. Strange. And a pendulum that swung irregularly. Spooky. All in all, an attraction well worth the five bucks. And one that's got me thinking about Lost again. And I just lost.

Tyler: Let's also not forget the fact that the entire establishment was run by early teenagers...

Brian: ...tweenagers is what I think they are called...

Tyler: ...who liked to talk in mysterious voices as they gave the tour. Ooooooo, the tee of mystereee ooooooo ahhhhh, and so on. Also most of the mysterious things took place outdoors and despite what they say about California it was raining. I'm pretty sure we would have seen less rain if we had decided to stay in Seattle. Oh well sometimes you gotta suck it up and go to places that are so mysterious that the rain falls everywhere, not just on the plain and especially not in Spain but in good old Santa Cruz. What I found most strange about the mystery spot were the trees. The trees that grew in the area were incredibly strange and I didn't notice until our tour guide pointed them out. Some grew in corkscrews some grew in S shapes and the redwoods had branches on one side almost twice the length as the other a little strange and eerie. I let someone else relate the theories on what causes the mysterious mysteries of the mystery spot.

Nick: You know mermaids are behind it.

Brian: Oh, you mean sea lions? Those of you that know me well know that I don't really like unsolved mysteries that much. I mean, I love them, but I am perturbed when I find myself incapable of coming up with a solution. The mystery spot was a very confusing place for me, and after we left I needed a drink. Good thing it's Sunday and football is on. We hit up a sports bar back in Santa Cruz proper and settled in for some fried delicious and not a few Coors light. The Jets beat the Chargers in an upset, which is apt nomenclature because a lot of people in that bar were, in fact, quite upset.


Tyler: Except our cute waitress...

Brian: After the game, it was time to head over to Sophie's for the evening. We didn't have any plans but the great thing about Couch Surfing is that plans make themselves.

Nick: Our host, Sophie, and her housemates were a groovy bunch. She played banjo, made us all natural sorbet from scratch, and yes, had a giant snake. Brian, to his great credit, ended up sleeping right next to the serpent's den. Impressive. In the evening, we watched the Life Aquatic which, to my great surprise, was extremely enjoyable. Good flick. We stuck in another one, Bill Maher's "Religulous" but it didn't do it for me, or anyone, and so we all just sort of passed out with the sound of stupid rain pounding against the window. Really, this has got to stop. Over and out.

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