Monday, January 25, 2010

Santa Barbra through LA

Brian: Yes we did wake up on time and yes Tyler made it to the airport safely. Whether his flight was on time given the storminess is unbeknown to me.

Nick: That dude needs a phone.

Brian: Nick and I posted up at a little coffee shop in Burbank to decide how to spend our day.

Nick: Our first idea was to go sit in on a live taping of a really fantastic television show. Naturally, the Price is Right was our first choice. Upon further investigation however, this seemed more difficult than we had originally anticipated. Nevertheless, I expect that upon our return visit to LA, we're going to look more tenaciously for a possible access point. A close second for us was to go to a free horse race with one dollar hot dogs, beers, and popcorn. And two dollar bets on each race. Sounds like the best, right? Well, I'm sure it would have been if it hadn't been canceled due to... Listen, I understand that we all need water to survive. I understand that our bodies are mostly water, and that, more importantly, beer is mostly made of water. But so help me, if it rains one more day on this trip, I'm going to finish my weather manipulation machine (patent pending) and unleash a drought on the world so severe the only rain anyone will ever see again will be the tears of the people begging the gods for mercy...

Brian: ...anyway... yeah, we just headed straight over to Rob and Natalie's place which is about five miles west of Hollywood (sorry if I screwed that up) and let our lack of sleep catch up with us. We grabbed a quick snooze and got cleaned up in time for Rob to come home and cook us a delicious tomato pesto chicken on a bed of risotto.

Nick: Sushi and vegetables in two days? We're probably living the healthiest lifestyles on the planet.

Brian: Rob and Natalie are a couple of ardent greyhound lovers who have started a non-profit organization devoted to the rescue and adoption of greyhounds. So at one point in time while we stayed with them there were no less than seven greyhounds on their property. Though the dogs are bizarrely proportioned (fully built for speed) they are sweethearts and one thing I miss about not being at home is seeing my animals regularly so it was a delightful change of pace. Nick and I were torn about whether or not to try and go out that night, but eventually we just passed out in the spare room. Has anyone noticed that napping just makes you more tired? I don't know, maybe I just suck at naps.

Nick: They're pretty tough. Counting sheep leaping over the fence and out.

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