Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Portland, OR through Beverly Beach State Park, OR

brian and nick
Brian: If there is anything I remember specifically about this day, it is that our diets were the worst yet on this trip. The day started with a long blogging session at our old stand-by, Borders, and over the course of a couple hours we consumed no less than 4 sausage, egg, and cheese sandwiches and a bagel with a smear of creme fromage. I found a book there titled something like, "The Illustrated Guide to 20 Common Surgical Operations." Unnerving.

Tyler: Yes, I remember we were going to give each other appendectomies but Borders sadly does not stock scalpels or a means of anesthetizing a "patient".

Nick: A little refresher course is helpful for everyone, even brain surgeons. The food did not improve. The next stop of the day was Wendy's. A truckload of C-Nugs later, Brian and Tyler expressed interest in watching Avatar in 3D. I'd already seen it... twice... and so opted for the football game that I'd be sure to find broadcast in a local sports bar. On our way to the theater, we drove past a so-called "sexy barbershop." I love America? Well, turns out Avatar was a bust: apparently lots and lots of other people love blue aliens and loin cloths because the movie was sold out. Resigned to our fate, we found a small park, tossed the disk around for a while, then hit the road yet again.

Tyler: The drive was okay: no major sights, scenes or attractions until the coast. At this point the game that Nick wanted to watch, something that involved a ball of some sort and some big yellow forks, was fast approaching. Especially because he hadn't accounted for the time change between here and EST. Luckily a road-side casino showed up on the road, a seemingly perfect place to watch a game, eat dinner and have a few beers.

Brian: And it was perfect, other than our continued attempts of suicide by arterial blockage. I won't go into details, but I will say that each of us consumed at least a pound of french fries, and that one person's fries were slathered with chili and cheddar (that might have been me). Anyway, after the games...

Tyler: Yeah, it was real fun sleeping in an enclosed space that night with Mr. chili cheese fries.

Nick: The Eagles are dead to me...

Tyler: Hotel California is an okay song.

Nick: I mean the football team.

Tyler: I know, that's kind of the joke...

Brian: ...we decided to be healthy and take a little stroll *cough* around the casino *cough*, before heading off to our camping destination of the evening on the Oregon coast. The night was particularly clear and warm and the stars were maybe the best I've ever seen. As we settled into our tent for the night our food began to digest and we began to pay dearly for the culinary crimes committed earlier that day.

Nick: It's a generally accepted principal that if you must fart, you are obliged to at least open the tent flap and make an honest attempt at dissipating the offensive odors to some degree. With this trip however, it all becomes rather futile as the horrible things we've put into our bodies during the day manifest themselves into thick, black smog clouds of revenge, choking the life out of all within their wispy grasp. As such, we decided to take a late night stroll along the beach in an attempt to work the wretched gases from our systems before returning to an enclosed sleeping area. I'm not fully convinced of the effectiveness of that strategy, but as Brian mentioned, the night was pretty spectacular. I've not spent much time on beaches, least of all at night, and the experience was one I'll remember at least until I finish this sentence (we tend to completely forget about things after we've blogged about them). It's our brain's way of keeping from being overloaded with awesome (we suspect). Anyway, that about wraps up day 3 of part deux. BTN reporting from the coast. Over and out.

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