Sunday, January 31, 2010

San Diego, CA Day 2

Brian: Nick and I are officially addicted to breakfast burritos in the southwest. Though we haven't been mentioning it everyday, we have basically been devouring one every morning since Rod introduced us to his favorite hole-in-the wall. Nick and I knew we were going to be getting some exercise today so we carbo-loaded with some potato burritos and went back to Francis' place. We had left some wetsuits, flippers, and equipment out specifically for us so we grabbed them and cruised to the pier at Pacific beach for some hardcore boogie boarding! Ok so boogie boarding isn't that hardcore but we had a blast doing it, even though I was deathly afraid of stepping on a stingray.

Nick: I think boogie boarding can be pretty bad ass if it wants to be. The day we went out, it wanted to be. Though we were only in water up to our chests (our flippers didn't fit so we had to sort of jump into the wave) the swells were at least six or seven feet tall. If you timed it incorrectly (and we did a few times) the ocean taught you a thing or two about how much it sucks to be thrashed around underwater. If you timed it correctly however, (and I'm happy to report that this was usually the case,) you got a great ride on a fast wave that could take you all the way back to the beach. Two thumbs up for a beach activity that had been long overdue. After we'd gotten back and cleaned off, we headed to everyone's favorite super-store Costco. Though we had big plans for picking up a number of useful items including sunglasses, shorts, underwear, shirts, flip-flops and maybe some food, we ended up spending our dwindling cash on Pacifico, Dos Equis and Glenlivet. We'll be playing the "Good idea, bad idea" game in the next couple days. Results will be posted.

Brian: The last order of business for the day was to consume a bit of the aforementioned beer, then head to the aforementioned park to play with the aforementioned helicopter. The decision to go to the park was made after a 30 minute debacle of landing it on Francis' roof and attempting to lasso it down with a computer power cable. We took an evening bike-ride, something we haven't been able to do since we left Indiana the FIRST time and commandeered our night bird around a basketball court until the tail came loose. Back at Francis' place we turned on the tube and watched my new favorite show of all time: Tosh.0. Daniel Tosh reviews the best web videos of the week in a style which I would compare loosely to our blog (albeit with more vulgarity). Sleepy time. Brian and Nick are

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