Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rancho Santa Fe, CA through San Diego, CA

Nick: We hung out at Rod's for a while then left as he went to get his hair cut. Our first stop was a park allegedly nearby our next host's abode. It was there that we tossed the disk around for a while and witnessed the next big thing in personal fitness: Rock outs. Take a rock. A big one. Pick it up. Throw it somewhere. Try that again. Bam, you've just rocked out. Do you feel huge? You should. That's the power of America's fastest growing work out trend. Live it. Love it. Rock on.

Brian: Getting bored of that? Get a couple of your closest brosephs, take your shirts off, and stomp around carry huge freaking rocks over your head. Rocking out is more fun with a friend. So yeah my buddy Francis called us and as we expected we were less than a mile from his apartment. Which is less than a mile from the beach. A pretty nice set-up. He could only think of one happy hour deal on a Wednesday, which was two dollar beers and three dollar burgers at a cool local tiki-ish bar. They had trivia on the screen so that shot down any chance of me meeting new people. If you know me, you know that I love bar trivia and it was a staple for me when I lived in Seattle. This trip, amazing though it may be, has been severely lacking in the bar trivia department and I've been going through trivia withdrawal. I think Nick noticed the signs early on so he picked up a blue box, which is how we communicate with the trivia server. First place locally, 17th nationally, not bad if I do say so myself.

Nick: I think you might be mis-remembering. As I recall, we got our asses thoroughly kicked. Francis claimed our competitors were bots. He might be right. Or maybe this trip has permanently damaged our once powerful brains. Probably a combination of the two. We went back to his place, spent a lot of time playing with a toy helicopter that was spectacular in its aerial capabilities, then just hung out after he left to stay at his girlfriend's. Later, his roommate came back. We all drew our guns and indulged in a lengthy stare down. Just kidding. He was surprisingly chill considering he had no idea who we were or why we were in his apartment. Nick and Brian, over and outlaws.

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